10 Best Brock Lesnar WWE Matches

3. Vs. Kurt Angle (WrestleMania XIX)

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The first WrestleMania main event in more than five years to feature neither Stone Cold, The Rock, or Triple H is chiefly remembered for its jaw-dropping closing sequence, in which Lesnar landed on his head following a botched Shooting Star Press, somehow afterwards finding the resolve to pick his opponent up for the decisive F-5.

Yet there was more to it than a near-fatal slip-up; despite Angle heading into the show with a banged-up neck, the Olympic gold medalist went above and beyond to deliver a match of the type you expect from two legitimate All-Americans.

There were set-pieces, to be sure, but they were carefully placed around a smattering of back-and-forth mat-work, with Angle forever looking to offset his opponent's size advantage by immobilising his lower body.

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Brock Lesnar
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