10 Best Candidates To Be WWE King Of The Ring 2023

4. Logan Paul

Sami Zayn WWE King Of The Ring

No, don't instantly disregard this idea.

Logan Paul turned a lot of heads with his performance vs. Roman in Saudi at Crown Jewel. The celeb-turned-wrestler was only working his third match ever, don't forget. You wouldn't have known that just by analysing his work against one of the biggest stars in the industry.

WWE has a natural on their hands here. If LP shows that he wants to become a full-timer bad enough, then Triple H will surely reward that graft with something big time. Also, think about how much crossover attention it'd get from the mainstream media if Paul became King Of The Ring.

That'd be mega, and is definitely something WWE should ponder. Logan going all the way, then cutting a 'Stone Cold' style heel promo on the hardcore fans who never wanted him to succeed, would be fabulous content. 'Logan 2K23 says I just made your pay-per-view relevant'.

That sort of thing.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.