10 Best Current WWE Finishers

The Curb Stomp is back - but is it the best?

Finn Balor Coup de Grace Roman Reigns

To a lot of observers, the group of men and women currently employed by WWE collectively represent the most gifted and diverse roster the company has ever assembled.

It follows from this that today's WWE should also boast a spectacular collection of finishers; the sort of wrestling moves that make you rise from your seat in anticipation and then stand there looking dumbfounded once they come off.

The above claim must be tempered, however, with the acknowledgement that, while the current crop of wrestlers are undeniably capable of jaw-dropping moves, it doesn't mean they always have the licence to do them. Some of the more daring manoeuvres are off limits, and perhaps with good reason.

At least, that's what we all thought. This week on Raw, Seth Rollins' Curb Stomp - ostensibly banned because of fears that it was simply too violent for what is a PG product - made a surprise return to our screens, renamed the Blackout, after a couple of years away. It turns out maybe Vince McMahon isn't trying to rain on our parade after all.

It also means that the Architect has his mojo back, and we have yet another great move to add to the collection...

10. Coquina Clutch - Samoa Joe

Finn Balor Coup de Grace Roman Reigns

Since stepping up to WWE's main roster early last year, the Muscle Buster seems to be off limits for Samoa Joe, resulting from the serious injury suffered by Tsyon Kidd, but as backup options go, the Coquina Clutch isn't a bad move to have in reserve.

This is one of the few finishers on this list that can only really be performed by one guy in the whole company. There's nothing technically difficult to master here, obviously, but it wouldn't work to nearly the same extent without Joe's menacing theatrics.

Take the time he decided that Paul Heyman needed to give it a test-drive during last year's Universal Title pursuit, for instance. The sight of Joe slowly letting Brock Lesnar's advocate what he was about to do to him was positively terrifying.

There's also a certain realism to it as well. This is a manoeuvre routinely employed by many an MMA fighter to put their opponent away, and it looks like something that is impossible to escape from - particularly with Joe's bulky frame wrapped around the lower half of the victim's body.

In this post: 
Finn Balor
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