10 Best David Vs. Goliath Wrestling Matches Of All Time

8. X-Pac Vs. Kane - Armageddon 1999

Brock Lesnar CM Punk SummerSlam 2013.jpg
WWE Network

Even though we have a tendency to glamorise the underdog, the simple fact of the matter is that sometimes we actually want Goliath to win.

That was certainly the case when X-Pac met Kane inside a steel cage at Armageddon after the littlest member of DX betrayed The Big Red Machine.

With stipulations in place that prevented Kane from winning the match any way except for a pinfall - while X-Pac could still win by climbing out of the cage - our "David" seemed to have a slight advantage over his bigger adversary, though it was ultimately an advantage he couldn't capitalise on.

This match deserves a mention if only because it features one of the most creative ways I've ever seen someone stop another person from climbing out of the cage.

Thanks to some failed interference from Road Dogg and Billy Gunn, Kane was able to escape from the cage door just as X-Pac started to descend the cage to the floor.

Kane grabbed him by the legs, hoisted him on his shoulders, and chucked him back into the cage through the door.

Since X-Pac's feet never touched the ground, the match continued, which allowed the 7-foot Kane to then climb to the top of the cage and leap off for a flying clothesline.

That's not something you see everyday.


Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.