10 Best Down The Lens Promos In WWE History
5. 'With A Tear In My Eye...'
His earlier, bloodier entry was certainly something special, but Ric Flair's straight to camera speech after winning the vacant WWF title for the very first time at the 1992 Royal Rumble was something else entirely.
A top note Rumble winning Flair had been escorted backstage to be officially presented his new WWF title by President Jack Tunney and what followed was one of the most inspired off-the-cuff promos in wrestling history.
"With a tear in (his) eye", Flair told the whole world that this was "the greatest moment in (his) life" and we bloody well believed him.
After years of telling anyone who would listen that he was 'The Man', Flair confessed that "the only way you get to stay number one is to be number one, and this is the only title in the wrestling world that makes you number one!"
Flair couldn't hide the joy on his face after finally winning the prestigious belt and his refusal to break away from the camera staring him in the face made this legendary moment truly resonate with the fans watching all around the world.
Ever the promoter, Flair ended this title winning address by telling the Hulk Hogans, Macho Mans, Pipers and Sids to pay homage to 'The Man'. Woooo!