10 Best Ever Counters To WWE Wrestling Finishers

Blink and you'll miss them, we never saw these reversals coming.

Reversals in professional wrestling are about as common as a jab is in boxing. The industry just wouldn€™t be the same without them, and you€™ll be looking hard to find a match where they aren't utilised. Every good wrestler can defend themselves, whether it€™s ducking a right hand or countering a suplex into one of their own, it€™s just something we€™re all used to seeing every time we watch a match. But sometimes, WWE superstars outdo themselves and deliver reversals that not only come as a surprise, which is the general idea in the first place, but become remembered as historic moments.

As has become a custom, our heroes constantly do things to inspire awe in the fans and create moments that will last a lifetime, to be replayed over and over for decades to come. Some of these moments come in the form of promos, victories, betrayals or heartfelt storylines, but they can also come in a much simpler manner, as an expertly executed reversal to a finishing manoeuvre that would otherwise be expected to end a match. It isn€™t called a finisher for no reason, after all. These days, it€™s not uncommon to see a finisher reversed at least once or twice per match, but believe it or not, WWE still manages to find a way to shock us to our very cores. The following is a list of the ten best counters to WWE finishing moves...

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Editor/Author of 'Under the Spotlight' for SLTD Wrestling. Games Development Student. @AdamOB_UTS on Twitter.