10 Best Ever Counters To WWE Wrestling Finishers

6. RKO Outta Nowhere #2

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_S_5AdmPiw Back in 2005, The Legend Killer was still just earning his stripes as a member of the WWE roster. He€™d been pushed as one of Raw€™s hottest future prospects when he won the Intercontinental Championship, and became the youngest World Heavyweight Champion in history by defeating Chris Benoit at SummerSlam in 2004, before a brief run as a babyface against his former mentor, Triple H. It was during his rivalry with The Undertaker, however, that many feel Orton really started to emerge from his shell and find out where his strengths were. Orton would face off against The Deadman at WrestleMania 21, doing a fine job in the match and continuing to impress fans and critics alike. He also came oh so close to ending The Undertaker€™s legendary streak, before that particular accomplishment was what WrestleMania was built around. As the Deadman signalled for a chokeslam and wrapped his hand around the throat of Orton, the third generation superstar would counter the move in tremendous fashion, twisting upon being lifted from the ground and grabbing the head of The Undertaker, pulling him down to the mat in what is likely the first ever €œRKO outta nowhere€, electrifying the crowd in the process. He may have lost the match, but he won the respect of a lot of people that night, and made a lot of people go 'holy s***' with his inventive reversal.
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Editor/Author of 'Under the Spotlight' for SLTD Wrestling. Games Development Student. @AdamOB_UTS on Twitter.