10 Best 'Flippy Sh*t' Wrestlers

6. Shane Strickland/Killshot

Flippy Shit
El Rey

A world travelled independent wrestler, Shane Strickland is perhaps best known for his work in Lucha Underground under a mask as Killshot.

With multiple springboard moves in his offence, a quality 450 splash and a flipping piledriver signature move, Strickland is one of fastest high flyers on the scene today. Just watch his match against Will Ospreay at PROGRESS Chapter 34 for an example of what this guy is capable of and how fast he can move.

As Killshot, Strickland has recently been tearing it up with AR Fox and Marty the Moth in matches which raised the bar to ridiculous heights, with double stomps from ladders through tables and death valley drivers from the top turnbuckle onto the ring apron.


Working babyface out of Mid-South in the eighties...