10 Best 'Flippy Sh*t' Wrestlers

4. The Young Bucks

Flippy Shit

Nick and Matt Jackson are the most exciting tag team on the planet and probably the biggest independent wrestling stars today.

In recent years, The Young Bucks have become major stars in part by embracing their indie darlings reputation and doubling down on it. Their matches now tend to feature multiple superkicks, along with some of the craziest high flying double team offence you're ever likely to see. In particular, their finishers More Bang For Your Buck (a 450 splash from Nick followed by a moonsault from Matt) and the Meltzer Driver (a springboard somersault spike tombstone piledriver) are two of the most innovative moves in wrestling history.

While some wrestling fans may dislike their over-the-top offence and personas, the Bucks have carved themselves out a place as one of the most talked about acts in pro wrestling today.


Working babyface out of Mid-South in the eighties...