10 Best Hulk Hogan Matches Ever

4. Vs. Ric Flair (Halloween Havoc 1994)

Hulk Hogan Tearing His Shirt Off

Hey, Flair again. Turns out that Naitch and The Hulkster had some pretty darn good chemistry with one another. The pinnacle for Hogan in WCW (in-ring wise, anyway) was at the 1994 Halloween Havoc, a steel cage match for his World Championship, in which the loser would also have to retire. The buyrate was comparable to Bash at the Beach's hefty number, so clearly some imaginations had been captured.

Overbooked as all of the previous bits sound, did I mention that Mr. T was the guest referee? And that Sting, Sherri, Jimmy Hart, and a "mysterious masked man" (played by Brutus Beefcake) all ran interference? Even the Attitude Era would say, "Dude, that's too excessive."

Excessive it may have been, but it was awesome as well. While most viewers would've assumed that there was no way Hogan was retiring, the action and drama were rare territory for Hogan at this point in his career.

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Justin has been a wrestling fan since 1989, and has been writing about it since 2009. Since 2014, Justin has been a features writer and interviewer for Fighting Spirit Magazine. Justin also writes for History of Wrestling, and is a contributing author to James Dixon's Titan series.