10 Best John Cena Faces

6. John Cena Surprised Face

John Cena Derp

Come on, this one's as big as it gets. Mouth agape, eyes wide open, looking at the crowd in total disbelief. The man is legitimately shocked that he managed to get a triumphant victory over Jinder Mahal on Raw. Like Hogan before him, John Cena seems to be the only person that can't predict his own, epic victories.

For the two, undisputed greatest examples of John Cena Surprised Face, look know further than his memorable Money In The Bank win back in 2012 (OMG GUYZ I CANT BLIV DIS WTF I WAS CERTAIN IT WAS BIG SHOW'S TIME), and the absolute stunner from below, when he managed to shock The Authority and roll up Seth Rollins for the W, courtesy of some splendid distraction from Sting, and climaxing in, well, this gem. That kid will never forget that moment.

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