10 Best Kept Secrets In Wrestling History

8. Christian Cage Is Cleared For A Rumble Comeback

Shane McMahon

Returning to the greatest multi-person match in all of wrestling now, and to yet another moment nobody ever thought could actually be a possibility heading into a Royal Rumble event.

Now sure, the prior year's men's over-the-top-rope epic had seen the unlikely comeback of a certain 'Rated "R" Superstar' folks also once thought they'd never see bumping again. But rumours of Edge's impossible return becoming a reality were very much doing the rounds before the 2020 Rumble.

The same could not be said for the WWE Hall of Famer's best pal, though.

Though he had technically taken part in an unsanctioned fight with Randy Orton in 2020, away from that one-minute squash, Christian hadn't been involved in a match since retiring due to concussion issues.

That all changed on the night of the 2021 men's Rumble, however, with Christian and a few others actually being made aware of the fact the he'd been cleared to return a few months before the event.

After then managing to keep that vital information a secret in the time leading up to the ThunderDome show, 'Captain Charisma' was finally given the thumbs up to make a jaw-dropping comeback to action on the Friday before the PLE.

And with that, the once-unthinkable visual of Edge and Christian competing in a WWE match together soon unexpectedly warmed the hearts of genuinely stunned fans around the globe.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...