10 Best Moments From WWE’s Worst Performers

2. R-Truth's 2011 Heel Turn

R Truth Heel

It's easy to say with some confidence, that 46-year old R-Truth will never get another World Title push in WWE again. Those days are over, and they were only fleeting to begin with.

Back in 2011, Truth's brilliant heel turn on John Morrison and subsequent characterisation as a loopy, out-of-touch heel were played to perfection by someone who was clearly hungry to prove himself as a main-eventer. This led to a brief feud with John Cena over the WWE Title, and Truth deserved his headline shot at the one-off Capitol Punishment pay-per-view in June.

Once that was over, Truth formed a workable tag-team with The Miz and continued to be featured near the top of the card. Again though, it was temporary, and he's been used more as enhancement talent in recent years.

That heel turn and Truth's flirtation with the top-line mix will stick in the memory as an example of what can be achieved quickly if talents are motivated by the creative team's faith.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.