10 Best Performers At WrestleMania 31

6. Triple H

Perhaps the best thing that can be said in praise of Triple H is that he's older than many of Sting's biggest opponents in TNA, but managed to pull the best from the aging Stinger at WrestleMania. Names as varied as Samoa Joe, AJ Styles and Jeff Hardy were able to put on decent bouts against the legendary WCW star, but few - if any - were as captivating as the man's match against Triple H. Yes, there were distractions aplenty from the likes of D-Generation X and the nWo, but the fact remains that the two original members of the match had around 20 minutes of time to fill, and it whizzed by at an exciting pace. Given that this was Sting's first proper match under the WWE banner, a lot of younger fans have likely never seen him before, and he didn't disgrace himself whatsoever. In a way, HHH is responsible for a lot of that. As mentioned before, 'The Game' isn't as young as some of the men Sting faced in other companies, but the sheer aura surrounding the match was done justice by the actual content of the bout once the bell started ringing. Going forward, this is exactly the kind of role Triple H should fulfill, win or lose he should always be helping make his rivals look good.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.