10 Best Pure Strikers In Wrestling Today

Walter, Asuka, Ishii - Who's slaps, kicks and punches hurt the most?!

WALTER chop Ilja Dragunov

One thing that really grinds the gears of wrestling fans is when Michael Cole calls someone "one of the best pure strikers in the world". Hearing him overuse this catchphrase makes you wonder what his standards for striking are at times because there are some wrestlers he would be blown away by.

So, what exactly makes someone a "pure striker"?

Well, the term refers to anyone who bases their move set around striking offense as opposed to holds or manoeuvres. So naturally, pure striking wrestlers need to be convincing in their performances, as failing to hit someone properly can completely shatter the illusion of their fighting skills.

Thankfully, the following ten names are perfect examples of wrestlers who use striking offense to their best ability, making them look fearsome and impressive. They stand above the rest as their slaps, kicks, punches, and general attacks make even the most aware of fans ponder whether wrestling is a little more real than you'd think.

Also, fret not; Shane McMahon's bunny punches may have carried him to the "Best Wrestler In The World" title, but they won't bring him a place on this list.

10. Luchasaurus

WALTER chop Ilja Dragunov

You don't have to be from the 21st century to be good at kicking people, as this dinosaur from the Jurassic period proves. In all seriousness, Luchasaurus backs up his silly gimmick by going all out in the ring. You'd expect his gimmick to be based purely around comedy, yet he's one of the most convincing and impressive performers in AEW, and that is particularly visible in his strikes.

For a man (or dinosaur) of his size, Luchasaurus has incredible agility and flexibility. This means he's able to land some incredibly impressive kicks, often catching people in the heads without barely having to bend for it.

His ability to throw strikes out of anywhere is constantly entertaining, and he always hits his targets with the accuracy of the asteroid that wiped his species out. Furthermore, his kicks and punches also have a tonne of impact thanks to his impressive size, making them all believably devastating.

It's safe to say that he has a bright future with All Elite Wrestling, and his massively impressive striking offense has a lot to do with that.

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Michael is my name, overanalysing comedy is my game! Anime, wrestling, TV, movies and video games all live in my head rent free!