10 Best Sasha Banks Matches In WWE
Sasha Banks is the best female wrestler in the world, these are the matches that cemented her there.

On the 4 September 2020 episode of SmackDown, Bayley finally snapped on her best friend Sasha Banks after months of their friendship being the highlight of weekly television. This is the catalyst to the main roster feud between the two, something fans have been teased about for four years now.
Both women have fluctuated since their ascension to the main roster, but The Boss' trajectory has been more uncertain than most. She's never had a successful title defence of a women's singles title, she's lost numerous matches she desperately needed to win, and she's almost quit the company before. Yet after all that her character's been through, she's here and ready to flourish in a feud years in the making.
It's not controversial to call her one of the best wrestlers in the entire world, something that she proves even in minor tag team matches. These are some of her classics, matches that defined the Bostonian as one of the most groundbreaking and talented women in the history of the wrestling business. On her best day and when given the chance to tell a mesmerising story, there's no one better in the world than the Boss.
10. Sasha Banks Vs. Becky Lynch (Hell in a Cell 2019)

It's still infuriating a year later that Sasha didn't win the Raw Women's Championship here. The most underrated of the Four Horsewomen in terms of title success was having her best wave of momentum in the last three years, and absolutely should have walked away as the champion to establish her new heel character. Unfortunately she didn't and the match slightly suffers for it.
However, it's an absolute belter of a Cell match, with Banks using her trademark renegade style to deliver multiple astounding Meteoras and bump like this is her last match ever. She flings her body around the Cell relentlessly, contorting her back after chair shots and suplexes from Lynch, making every single move within the structure feel genuinely threatening and dangerous. Despite many fans rooting for her to come out with the title, she played the heel beautifully, getting to display sadistic maliciousness towards The Man throughout the 22 minute duration.
Their Clash of Champions match was great before the finish, but this was the match that proved to everyone that her time off only made Sasha Banks better at her job, as she showed just how vital she was with every second of this wonderful contest. A fantastic modern Cell match.