10 Best Sellers In Wrestling Today

9. Cody Rhodes

Darby Allin

One of the more polarizing figures in professional wrestling, Cody Rhodes is genuinely a terrific seller in his matches.

There are numerous examples to draw from in this case. Looking at the brutal '80s territory-inspired match between Cody and Dustin, The American Nightmare sold every different aspect of that match. The emotion, the pain and the brotherly relationship all broke through, making for a genuinely moving encounter.

Rhodes has also proven that he is incredible in squash matches. During both the Brodie Lee and Malakai Black matches, Cody acts cocky and arrogant, ultimately leading to his downfall. He sells every strike, lariat, and Black Mass realistically.

Despite all the boos and negativity that Cody Rhodes draws, his effort in the ring still remains. Every match includes a little bit of unique selling. Whether it be an injured leg or a slight tease of the dark side via a pedigree, there's no denying Cody's ability to sell on a grand stage.

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Darby Allin
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Horror fanatic, exhausted wrestling fan and die hard Brendan Fraser stan.