10 Best Stretcher Matches In WWE History

4. Brock Lesnar vs. Big Show (Judgement Day 2003)

From late 2002 to mid-2003, Brock Lensar and Big Show had one of the most heated rivalries in the history of the SmackDown brand. They exchanged wins over the course of several months and their rivalry was rekindled after WrestleMania 20 with Kurt Angle recovering from an injury. At Judgement Day, they faced off in the one kind of match that Big Show knew he couldn't lose: a stretcher match. Much to Show's surprise, Lesnar took him to the absolute limit. With some help from an interfering Rey Mysterio, Lesnar drove a forklift to ringside and jumped off the top of it onto The World's Largest Athlete, a spot recreated over a decade later with Daniel Bryan and Kane at Extreme Rules 2014. Lesnar also used the forklift to do the impossible and get Show on the stretcher long enough to wheel him up the stage for the win. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=znpFsE6bwMU The match was by no means a technical masterpiece nor was it their greatest match together, but it was fun for what it was and featured several innovative spots. It had been the first time in nearly two decades that a Stretcher match had been done in WWE, so it was something fresh for Show and Lesnar to do and work with.

Since 2008, Graham has been a diehard pro wrestling fan and, in 2010, he combined his passions for WWE and writing when he joined Bleacher Report. Equipped with a master's in journalism, Graham has contributed to WhatCulture, FanSided's Daily DDT, Sports Betting Dime, and GateHouse Media. Along the way, he has conducted interviews with wrestling superstars like Chris Jericho, Edge, Goldberg, Christian, Diamond Dallas Page, Jim Ross, Adam Cole, Tessa Blanchard, Ryback, and Nick Aldis among others.