The Royal Rumble match is, traditionally, a contest in which the outcome is never really in doubt. One look at booking leading into the show can give the viewer a pretty clear indication of whom WWE is planning to push toward the WrestleMania main event, beginning with a win in the annual 30-man, over-the-top-rope match. Just because the winner is fairly obvious most years, however, does not mean there is still not an air of mystery surrounding the match. Placement of each entrant and, more importantly, exactly whom the eventual winner will have to overcome in order to stand tall at night's end, are where the suspense lies. Royal Rumble history is dotted with numerous surprise entrants, those Superstars fans never would have expected to make their presence felt in the contest. Whether they are returning legends or ballsy women (wait...), their appearances in the bout popped the crowd and led to some of the most memorable moments the event has produced recently. Who are the 10 greatest surprise entrants in Royal Rumble history? Take a look for yourself.
Erik Beaston is a freelance pro wrestling writer who likes long walks in the park, dandelions and has not quite figured out that this introduction is not for He resides in Parts Unknown, where he hosts weekly cookouts with Kane, The Ultimate Warrior, Papa Shango and The Boogeyman. Be jealous.