Taking to social media during an episode of Raw or Smackdown can often be akin to visiting a cynical elderly relative. The general air is one of skepticism and stagnation; fans bemoan the fact that they've seen all this before, and that the WWE appear to be booking matches on autopilot. Sadly, there's often a lot of truth to their claims. During PPVs, however, the mood is generally a lot less predictable. Although certain outcomes often seem a lot more likely than others, the company usually saves its biggest shocks and most entertaining spots for pay per view - and Night Of Champions was no different. On Sunday night the internet was swamped with theories over the identity of Reigns and Ambrose's mystery partner, humorous takes on slight flubs or botches, and even a few humorous social media posts from the superstars themselves. Here are ten of the best from Night Of Champions.
10. "Hey Yo"
Kevin Owens and Triple H have a fairly well-documented backstage connection, as proven by the occasional picture on social media. The Game has reportedly taken a shine to Owens, and apparently had the deciding vote on whether to grant him his shot in the WWE. This friendship appears to be going well for Owens, as proven on Sunday night. Having won the Intercontinental Championship, he struck a Kliq pose with Triple H backstage...only for a certain Bad Guy to sneak into the background.