10 Best Things The Internet Has Done With WWE Raw (7 Sept)

5. #ThingsBetterThanTeamBella

The 'Divas Revolution' angle has been something of a disaster on many fronts so far, but at least everyone can agree on the weakest part of the whole debacle. Team Bella have been derided for months as weak links in the division, and while Alicia Fox is capable of a competent performance now and then, the Bella Twins remain decidedly unconvincing in the ring. As much as Nikki has improved in recent times, there's no denying the fact that the WWE and NXT rosters are populated by a far more talented group of women. All of this perhaps explains the emergence of a #ThingsBetterThanTeamBella hashtag during Raw, and the twittersphere delved into the history books with eagerness. A few highlights include: Mae Young giving birth to a hand; Eva Marie receiving the next title shot; Snitsky kicking a baby; Katie Vick; and my personal favourite, Halloween Havoc '98.
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.