This week's Raw has largely garnered negative reviews on social media. Whether WWE choose to accept it or not, a lot of fans are clamouring for more fleshed-out storylines, as well as week-to-week consistency (what happened to Ziggler losing his place on the 'Mania card last time out?). Predictably, the online backlash hasn't just been severe, but also full of biting sarcasm and wit. The show may not have resulted in quite as hostile a reaction as many predicted - what with it being held in Philadelphia - but certainly left many feeling deflated as a result. However, it's not all snarky remarks and tongue-in-cheek comments this week. We also have shocking footage of a fan attacking Braun Strowman during the post-show dark match, as well as Maruo Ranallo skirting the line once again, and a reference to one of the internet's favourite indie wrestlers - Kenny Omega.
10. Footage Of An Attack On Braun Stromwan This footage came about during the post-show dark match, a multi-man bout involving various faces and heels. Towards the end, Braun Strowman was knocked to the outside of the ring and leaned on the crowd barrier to recover. Shockingly, a fan decided to get out of his seat and hit the big man with an uppercut. WWE obviously wouldn't be keen for fans to see this video, not just because it involves trouble at one of their shows, but because Strowman very clearly breaks kayfabe in the aftermath - pointing out the fan to a nearby security guard and gesturing for him to be removed. Thankfully, though, Braun seemed unshaken by the whole ordeal.