10 Best Times Wrestlers Responded To Fans During Matches

7. Bryan Danielson Fears Tanning Beds

Randy Orton Daniel Bryan
Ring of Honor

Competing for Ring of Honor's sister company Full Impact Pro, Bryan Danielson was brilliantly goaded by some fans at ringside as he got set to battle Roderick Strong.

The ROH World Champion at the time, the American Dragon was greeted by a couple of fans who were holding a white board. Thinking about it, taking a white board to a wrestling show is a borderline piece of genius. Forget having to carry multiple signs, forget realising too late what would've made for a brilliant sign, and forget the fear of having your sign tore up. No, a white board means all of those problems simply are not a thing.

As for what was waiting for Danielson on this white board, it was the inspired message of "Get A Tan Bryan"; an order designed to poke light-hearted fun at the Washington native's oft-pale complexion.

How did Bryan Danielson deal with this abuse? Why, realising that this was a white board, he leaned over the rail and did the most simplistic, effective thing possible: he rubbed out the message.

You can find the full clip of this brilliant moment over at Reddit, courtesy of user jaimsvanderbeek.

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Senior Writer

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