10 Best Traditional WWE Survivor Series Performers

2. Shawn Michaels

Randy Orton Ss 2005
WWE Network

HBK's Survivor Series career spanned three different decades and included a record 11 elimination matches with a joint-record five wins in the format. He's the greatest worker in the history of the business, so it's no surprise that he featured so often in this match to help carry the load for younger or bigger performers with his ability to go deep into contests.

He's gained the nickname 'Mr WrestleMania' despite having a negative record on The Grandest Stage Of Them All. His Survivor Series records are great but, in the same way, the chief reason that Michaels ranks so highly comes from his involvement in two of his greatest defeats.

In both 2003 and 2005, The Showstopper found himself in dire situations: at a three-on-one disadvantage and battered to exhaustion. Both times Michaels took two victims to level the playing field, before falling at the final hurdle to a man you probably knew was going to be at the top of the list as soon as you saw it. The 2003 main event had Austin's career on the line too; seeing HBK fight and bleed for Stone Cold in the match of the year seals the deal on this one.

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Randy Orton
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A huge fan of pop punk music, all the movies, Bray Wyatt, Shawn Michaels, and tea.