10 Best Trash-Talkers In UFC History

1. Chael Sonnen

Could it really be anyone else at the top of this list?

Chael Sonnen is hands-down the single greatest trash-talker that UFC and the world of MMA has ever seen. Hell, you could even make a strong argument that Sonnen is the greatest trash-talker in modern-day sports, period.

If you've ever seen even just one of The American Gangster's interviews, it's easy to see that Sonnen is hugely influenced by the promo work and glitz of the professional wrestling business. In fact, he even had a tryout for World Championship Wrestling back in 1998 and has often dabbled with the wrestling industry throughout his career.

Calling himself The People's Champion, the American grappler has never shied away from insulting fighters, their families or their countries, as nothing is off limits for the loudmouthed and always controversial Chael Sonnen.

He may now have officially retired from active competition, but having Sonnen in and around the MMA business always makes for an entertaining time.

Senior Writer
Senior Writer

Chatterer of stuff, writer of this, host of that, Wrexham AFC fan.