Ahead of just about anything else, the interest regained in WWE as a result of John Cena's impending return should be directed to the main event picture. While it would ultimately be beneficial for WWE to use Cena in the midcard in the long run, it would be a waste to have him immediately overlook the pinnacle of WWE, the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, especially as a 15-time champion. There are a number of avenues WWE could take with Cena in the main event scene, but his stay should only last long enough to add intrigue to either an ailing Superstar, or play a role in one or two stunning storylines. From then on, it's back to the midcard. As for those high-profile main event opponents...
Overly-opinionated Australian WWE smark who is definitely not #booty. Slowly angering the IWC one article at a time. We will probably strongly dislike each other - let's be friends! @MattKMarsden