10 Best Ways To Use The Rock At WWE WrestleMania 33
1. Opposite A Heel Roman Reigns
Gross understatement time, Roman Reigns just isn't cutting it as a top babyface in WWE. That has been the case for a few years now, fans just don't want to cheer Reigns the way management would like them to. It could be time to turn Roman heel, and there's no better way to do that than by having him face The Rock.
Rocky endorsed Reigns back at the 2015 Royal Rumble. It was clear by the man's face that even he was shocked by the intensity of boos Roman received from the live crowd. People didn't want what WWE were giving them, and The Rock could see that.
There's money to be made in having both men oppose one another. Declaring Reigns selfish, The Rock would try and guide him on the right path only to be met with a beating. If Reigns smashed Rock with a vicious Spear and spat at his fallen body, the heat would surely be fierce.
Rock vs. Reigns also has a nice ring to it, this could be Roman's ticket to finally finding his rightful place in WWE.
What else do you think WWE could do with The Rock come WrestleMania 33? Let us know your thoughts down in the comments section below!