10 Best Wrestlers Under 30 In The World Today
4. Jay White
Jay White is still just 29 years old, and until he effectively resurfaced in AEW - having spent much of the COVID-19 pandemic preferring to appear on Impact midcards than work the eerie, silent caverns of post-2020 New Japan Pro Wrestling - people forgot how great he was.
He is still fantastic. In fact, he might even be better in the more compact, disciplined context that is TV. If the stalling on big NJPW shows veers on dreaded WWE-style cheap heat, it always informs the tone deep into his best matches. Few wrestlers irrespective of their age have quite a fantastic grasp of their character. This is supposed to be the thing that wrestlers get long into their 30s, but White is a prodigy. How good he will eventually be is frightening.
His weasel features and snarling body language get over his crafty defensive style perfectly.
It's a stunning application of character because his unreal ability to counter moves with something even cooler isn't some pursuit of a pop with cool movez. He makes you resent him for doing something dramatic and exhilarating because he knows precisely when to do it: right on the crest of the babyface comeback.