10 Best Wrestling Entrance Pyro Effects Of All Time

9. Edge's Wall Of Smoke

Edge would actually have a series of incredible entrance pyro effects through his career (with one more yet to come on this list) but the nod here goes to his wall of smoke effect during his Rated-R Superstar days. The effect itself is really nothing more than the result some smoke machines working overtime to create a thick haze that Edge and Lita would walk through. It was incredibly simple but ,combined with the crew's camera work and Edge's incredible music, it really did the job of amping up the crowd and making Edge seem larger-than-life. Combined with his controversial Rated-R persona, the walk through the wall of smoke completed the idea of a man emerging from a different world ready to wreak havoc on the PG realm of WWE. On special occasions - most notably WrestleMania XXIV - Edge would combine this with some shooting fireworks as he posed midway down the ramp, but the smoke wall was always enough to do the job and get the message across.
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An entertainment enthusiast living in Brooklyn, trying to make his way by slinging words at blank pages.