10 Best Wrestling Fan Signs Of 2021

1. What Would Kota Think?

Kenny Omega AEW Full Gear 2021 What Would Kota Think?

In recent years, Kenny Omega has showcased a brilliant knack of being haunted by his past, regardless of which promotion he's competing for.

For Omega, his rise to prominence went hand in hand with Kota Ibushi. As the story goes, it was seeing Ibushi's matches in DDT which wowed the Best Bout Machine enough to pursue not just a stint in Japan, not just a spell with DDT, but a match-up in DDT against Kota.

It was 2008 when Omega landed in DDT, and what started as matches against the Golden Star soon turned to tagging with Ibushi. Both would then end up in New Japan Pro Wrestling, with the Golden Lovers eventually reuniting in 2018 as Kenny's relationship with Bullet Club became fractured.

The point being, Kenny Omega and Kota Ibushi have a storied, layered history dating back over a decade. So, when one fan produced a "What Would Kota Think?" sign at AEW Full Gear this November, Omega reacted by stopping dead in his tracks as he made his way to the ring to face 'Hangman' Adam Page as he contemplated what Ibushi would make of his villainous ways.

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