10 Best Wrestling Fan Signs Of 2021

9. Why Did You Let LJN Make Your Games In The 90s

Kenny Omega AEW Full Gear 2021 What Would Kota Think?

For those old enough to remember the WWF video games put out by LJN back in the day, this fella holding a "Why Did You Let LJN Make Your Games In The 90s" sign will immediately strike a chord.

In addition to making those ugly, now very valuable action figures in the '80s, LJN also developed a slew of early WWF video games. While some games were better than others, pretty much all of them absolutely sucked.

Ridiculously hard to play, clunky as all hell and with controls that seemed to work erratically (at best), those games were a nightmare. Sure, the graphics got better as technology advanced - WWF Royal Rumble and WWF Raw looked particularly decent - but the gameplay, in hindsight, was horrendous.

So, when one fan in attendance for this year's SummerSlam opted to throw some shade in the direction of WWE and LJN, gamers of yesteryear were nodding in agreement with the guy.

For those unaware, LJN's ventures into the video game world usually involved latching onto established licenses, such as WWF, Spider-Man, The Terminator, Friday the 13th, and even Jaws - and churning out oft-unplayable sh*t.

Thankfully, LJN's gaming agreement with the then-WWF wrapped up with the aforementioned WWF Raw in 1994.

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Kenny Omega
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