10 Best Wrestling Fan Signs Of 2021

7. Kevin Owens Claps When The Plane Lands

Kenny Omega AEW Full Gear 2021 What Would Kota Think?

To some people, one of the most annoying things in life is hearing a round of applause break out when an airplane lands.

Like, okay, the plane landed like it was supposed to, like it has likely thousands of times before, and was piloted by a couple of people who tend to know what they're doing. There's no need to clap unless you were genuinely expecting this flight to end in death, which if so, begs the question of why you even boarded the plan in the first place.

All of this is coming from your writer here who is admittedly an awful flyer, mind, and even then there's no clapping from these hands.

A week after Kevin Owens had turned heel by attacking Big E, one young fan was quick to pen some abuse to KO ahead of the 15 November episode of Raw. There, this youngster threw out the ultimate insult, proclaiming Owens to be one of those idiots who burst out into a round of applause whenever a plane successfully lands.

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Senior Writer

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