10 Best Wrestling Fan Signs Of 2021

4. They're Saying Boo-Urn It Down

Kenny Omega AEW Full Gear 2021 What Would Kota Think?

This particular sign-waving fan has already been featured on this list. Truth be told, you could pretty much build this entire 10-entry piece around some of the signs the guy has been seen with at WWE and AEW events across the second half of 2021.

To pick out just one more is tough, but this nice nod to The Simpsons at this year's Survivor Series is too good not to be included here.

With Seth Rollins making his way out to the ring for the Raw vs. SmackDown five-on-five men's elimination bout, "They're Saying Boo-Urn It Down" can be seen. This is a play on The Simpsons' A Star is Burns episode, where C. Montgomery Burns makes a movie that gets booed at its premiere. Unsure of what he's hearing, Monty hopefully asks whether the watching audience is saying boo or Boo-urns.

Elsewhere, this same fan could be seen at Survivor Series posing the brilliant question of why Shawn Michaels wore his tights so high at SummerSlam 1993 - which, for anyone who's ever watched that '93 PPV, has absolutely been a burning question.

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Kenny Omega
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Senior Writer

Chatterer of stuff, writer of this, host of that, Wrexham AFC fan.