10 Best Wrestling Matches Of 2015 (So Far)

8. AJ Styles & The Young Bucks vs. Michael Bennett, Matt Taven & Adam Cole (ROH Best In The World 2015)

Ring Of Honor has often, much like TNA, been a derided company over the years. There was once an overwhelming sense that any magic the promotion once possessed had been lost, but that argument doesn't really fit in 2015. In many respects, it's hard to know what people were expecting from ROH, because even during their lowest ebb, the group has promoted stellar wrestling matches. One of the more recent additions to this list, this 6-Man Tag-Team effort from the Best In The World 2015 event really deserves a look-in for those fans who have maybe stepped away from Ring Of Honor in recent years. The Bullet Club (Styles & The Young Bucks) have been tearing it up in both New Japan Pro Wrestling and now ROH, and The Kingdom (Bennett, Taven & Cole) were the ideal opponents for the trio. AJ Styles is one wrestler who has seemingly become more excited about wrestling again since leaving TNA, and that was evidenced here. Ring Of Honor shows, whilst fun, can often throw up a mixed bag of action, but this multi-man affair is more than worth it. Fans of smooth, fast-moving wrestling should look no further than this, and it's worth it even just to see the endless potential of guys like Cole and Taven.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.