2. Bullet Club vs. The Kingdom (ROH Best In The World)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4nJWemmzuRc The other Bullet Club match that was previously mentioned and the Wolves/Dirty Heels match were honestly really close to call, but this match won out between them to be the number 2 best match this week. This was another great contest featuring AJ Styles and the Jackson brothers and included all the stuff you'd expect from them. They teased a triple Superkick to Maria Kanellis at one point in the match, which she avoided. Her safety was only temporary as she eventually ate all three feet later in the match. The final sequence involved Adam Cole being the lone man from his group in the ring with all three opponents. He fell prey to the Indy Taker, then a Styles Clash, then the three count. After the match, Bennett and Taven seemed upset at Cole with the loss.