10 Best Wrestling Matches That Never Left The Ring

1. AJ Styles Vs John Cena - Royal Rumble 2017

John Cena AJ Styles Royal Rumble 2017

John Cena can't wrestle, right?

Seizing number one spot, and finding himself on the winning side for the first time on our list, John Cena's last WWE Championship victory against AJ Styles at the 2017 Royal Rumble saw neither man leave the ring from bell to bell.

As revealed by 'The Phenomenal One' himself during a recent episode of WWE's The Bump, two of the biggest stars of their generation kept all of their crowd-popping action in-between the ropes, noting that this feat "is not really heard of these days" before admitting how proud he was of the contest.

And he's right to be. In the finale of their epic trilogy of bouts, the rivals took things up a few more levels, and pulled out weapons deep from within the arsenals they'd built up over the last few decades. After hitting an electric chair face-buster, sunset flip powerbomb, and unique cutter on the reigning WWE Champ, Cena was finally able to seal the deal with a pair of savage Attitude Adjustments after nearly 25 minutes of can't-miss awesomeness.

There's a case to be made for this being the last great match of Cena's career, and also one of the very best Styles has taken part in during his illustrious career. It just goes to show, sometimes all you need is two stars at the top of their game, a ring, and enough near-falls to sink the Titanic.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...