10 Best Wrestling Matches That Never Left The Ring

9. Cesaro Vs William Regal - Raw 2013

From a high energy Cruiserweight battle, to a no-nonsense technical showdown.

After being introduced as Zeb Colter and Jack Swagger's newest 'Real American' ally on a June 2013 episode of Raw, (Antonio) Cesaro made his way down to the ring to lock up with in-ring veteran William Regal. Soon after stringing together some predictably smooth chain wrestling to get the ball rolling, though, the Brit found himself on the receiving end of some stiff shots and a particularly tasty gut-wrench suplex from the 'Swiss Superman'. Yet, that still didn't stop him kicking out with an impressive looking bridge.

All the experience in the world couldn't save him on this night, however, as the freak athlete swung Regal around the ring by his neck mid-chokehold. That would ultimately spell the end for the mighty former Intercontinental Champion, with Cesaro calling it a night with an always-effective Neutraliser.

What made this quick skirmish so intriguing though, alongside the fact both men involved seemed to be almost incapable of having a bad match, was that neither star opted to take their war to the outside. Instead, Cesaro laid down a marker with as little shenanigans as possible, besting one of the best strictly inside of the squared-circle.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...