10 Best Wrestling Matches That Never Left The Ring

6. Finn Balor Vs Samoa Joe - NXT TakeOver: The End

John Cena AJ Styles Royal Rumble 2017

Now you may be sat there thinking "Well, don't all Steel Cage matches stay inside the ring? There's a big cage around it!" But, for the most part, these contests tend to end with a wrestler escaping the structure via climbing up and out of it, or simply by walking out the door; In other words, leaving the damn ring.

However, every once in a while a match of this type will be contested entirely within the steel it's surrounded by, concluding with a pin-fall or submission. It'd obviously be pointless to just stuff this list full of this specific scenario, so we've decided to include just the one; But, oh boy, what a one.

In the blow-off to the pair's excellent NXT feud throughout 2016, Finn Balor attempted to seize back his NXT Championship from the hands of Samoa Joe within the stripped back cage setting at TakeOver: The End; The first of its kind on the black and gold brand.

Here, the rivals beat the absolute p*ss out of each other, using the structure as a formidable ally. Admittedly, Balor did threaten to leave the squared-circle on a few occasions, but was quickly yanked back into the bout by Joe. A super Muscle Buster would seal the deal for the champ in the end, with both men literally leaving it all in the ring on the night.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...