10 Best Wrestling Matches That Never Left The Ring

4. Brock Lesnar Vs John Cena - SummerSlam 2014

John Cena AJ Styles Royal Rumble 2017

Though it wasn't the match involving Brock Lesnar uttering the now iconic words of "Suplex City, bitch!" for the very first time, SummerSlam 2014 arguably saw the birth of the concept as a whole.

In just about the most one-sided WWE Championship contest you're ever likely to see, Lesnar flung WWE World Heavyweight Champion John Cena from pillar to post for fifteen minutes straight. A few flurries from 'The Face that Runs the Place' aside, this was an absolute mugging; One which remarkably took place entirely inside of the white ropes at the 'Biggest Party of the Summer'.

Lesnar executed a whopping 16 German suplexes during the one-sided affair, but that still didn't stop Cena desperately attempting to squeeze his way to victory with a late STF. Lesnar was having none of it, though, clubbing his way free and planting the champ with an F-5 for the landslide victory.

So not only did Lesnar manage to completely annihilate the most dominant force the company had seen over the preceding decade, he did so without ever stepping out of the ring; Not even for a quick natter with Paul Heyman. Impressive.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...