10 Best Wrestling Podcasts You Must Listen

6. Wrestling Observer Radio


Dave Meltzer has been the king of the dirt sheets for decades so it's only natural that he attempt to conquer the podcasting world as well.

Along with his esteemed partner Bryan Alvarez, Meltzer has an advantage over any other podcast that isn't hosted by a wrestler: His unprecedented access to backstage information and news from his sources. Nearly every single piece of news that gets reported on other sites comes from the Wrestling Observer or Dave's podcast.

With nearly 30 years of experience under his belt, you have to respect Dave Meltzer's opinion whether you agree with him or not. With all of those decades of experience, there isn't a wrestler that Meltzer hasn't heard of or an angle that he hasn't seen before.

In addition to his knowledge, Meltzer (along with Alvarez) hosts several episodes of Wrestling Observer Radio per week and take tons of questions from their listeners, always having facts and figures to back their views.

I usually don't advocate paying for a podcast since many of them aren't worth the cash but, if you're a huge wrestling fan then Dave Meltzer is always worth your time and money.

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Ric Flair
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Mike Shannon hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.