10 Best Wrestling Whodunit Mysteries

1. Who Is The Higher Power?

Triple H Vince McMahon The Undertaker Higher Power

In early 1998 and a good portion of 1999, The Ministry of Darkness was a major force in the WWF. The Undertaker had recruited a small army of minions, and set his sights on control of the company. He would torment Vince McMahon, try to marry Stephanie in a dark ritual, and join forces with The Corporation to form The Corporate Ministry.

Along the way, rumors of a Greater Power emerged, one that The Undertaker served. Who could it be?

Although the reveal of the third man in the NWO had a bigger impact on wrestling itself, the mystery of the Greater Power generated a greater amount of debate. This was a majorly anticipated reveal. Names like Jake "The Snake" Roberts and Mr Fuji were bandied about as possibilities. (My friend Steve was convinced it would be Duke "The Dumpster" Droese, which admittedly would have been quite the surprise.)

In the end, The Greater Power was revealed as Vince McMahon, who had tormented himself and his own daughter as part of some weird attempt to go after Stone Cold Steve Austin.

Yes, the reveal was ridiculous (despite JR's hilarious commentary), but the buzz surrounding the mystery was undeniable. Even today, whether you enjoyed the reveal or not, you most definitely remember it.


Author, puzzle guy, and lifelong consumer of pop culture. I'm a nerd for wrestling, Star Wars, literature, trivia, and all sorts of other things. Feel free to mock and/or praise me and my scribblings at @glennmandirect on Twitter.