10 Best WWE Documentaries

3. Brian Pillman: Loose Cannon

Shawn Michaels Bret Hart

Another sleeper documentary, Loose Cannon covers the life and career of the late great, Flyin’ Brian Pillman.

Beginning with his ill-health during childhood, this feature goes on to cover Pillman’s limited success in the Canadian Football League, and his transcendence into the squared-circle.

Pillman comes across as a magnificent athlete during his Stampede Wrestling and early WCW career, but this documentary excels when showing how his kayfabe-bending Loose Cannon character was. Not only that, but the lines between reality and wrestling are so blurred, talking heads on the feature seem unsure about Pillman’s state of mind.

Candid about Pillman’s battles with addiction, this documentary becomes more of a cautionary tale.

While not on par with The Dark Side of The Ring’s, while there isn’t a Vice special covering Flyin’ Brian, this documentary is a great look into the career of Pillman.


I am a freelance writer with an interest in wrestling, culture, music, podcasts and literature. Currently working in projects involving creative regeneration.