10 Best WWE Elimination Chamber Moments Ever

5. Shawn Michaels Comes Through The Floor - Elimination Chamber 2011

undertaker mvp chamber

One of the premises of the Elimination Chamber is that in locking the combatants inside, you're avoiding the possibility of outside interference.

That is, of course, unless that interloper is already within the Chamber.

And that’s exactly what happened in 2011, when Shawn Michaels emerged from beneath the steel panels, Millenium-Falcon-style, in order to hit the Undertaker with Sweet Chin Music and cost the Deadman his title.

This was of course part of a much bigger story, which culminated in Michaels’ retirement. But the surprise of the Shawn’s unexpected appearance made it a highly original and totally unforgettable moment in the history of the Elimination Chamber.

Perhaps the most impressive thing here though was the fact that Shawn must have been hidden underneath the Chamber for well over half an hour. Furthermore, he was right on cue in what proved to be a very well-assembled spot.


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