10 Best WWE Entrance Music Changes

6. Kane

Triple H Entrance

The popular consensus on Kane is and has been for the last 15 years that the original version, in his full (and totally impractical) red and black body suit and Michael Myers-style mask, trumped anything that came afterwards.

But if there's one thing the latter-day Big Red Machine did better, it was make an entrance. The "Slow Chemical" track he debuted during the early part of 2002 was simply a much more haunting piece of music.

This wasn't how most fans saw it originally, though. At the time it was considered an act of sacrilege to add lyrics to Kane's theme music. After all, he was a monster, a Big Red Machine; what reason should he have for enlisting the services of Finger Eleven, an alternative rock group from Canada?

Put kayfabe aside for one moment though. The original theme was great but it connoted the image of an unfeeling killing machine. 'Taker's little bro isn't that; he's actually tortured and, dare we say, a little emotionally vulnerable. The melancholic lyrics captured this perfectly.

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Triple H
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