For all the weapon-swinging maniacs and muscle-bound big men who made the Hardcore division so violent, the late Crash Holly was responsible for providing championship with a vital second ingredient: comedy. Crash held the belt at various points over the 24/7-rule period (in which the title could be won or lost at any place or time), and completely went to town with the idea. From losing the belt while asleep to brawling with Mosh and Thrasher in a children's ball pit, Holly provided some of the most memorable moments in the history of the championship. He was also a central figure in one of the most unique spots seen at WrestleMania (albeit in a largely catastrophic match, a time-limit scramble for the championship featuring such mat technicians as Viscera, the Headbangers, and the Mean Street Posse). With time winding down, Hardcore Holly sprinted into the ring and shattered a candy jar over the head of his cousin. The crowd popped accordingly - although the moment was sadly tainted by the botched pinfall which followed.