10 Best WWE Matches Of 2017
1. Brock Lesnar Vs. Roman Reigns Vs. Braun Strowman Vs. Samoa Joe - SummerSlam
A match predicated on genuine danger, the tone was established early when Brock Lesnar dropped Samoa Joe directly onto his head with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex.
A succession of jaw-dropping power move exchanges followed, before Joe and Roman Reigns were thrown recklessly out of the ring to commence the much-anticipated Lesnar/Braun Strowman stare-down sequence. What followed that, belatedly, was a scary onslaught in which Strowman announced himself as the star in a match laden with literally gigantic star power. As awesome in itself as it was awesome to see a performer overcome Lesnar's ludicrously dominant shadow, the sight of Strowman annihilating Lesnar with a crushing running power slam - and throwing a chair at Joe and Reigns (!) with laser-precision - was glorious for those disenchanted with WWE's outmoded star-making machine.
Reigns also looked great here, demolishing Lesnar through the barricade a microsecond after Joe avoided the way of legit harm. Joe also looked great, decking Reigns with a table-assisted uranage and a full throttle elbow suicida. Lesnar, too, sold this as-advertised demolition derby with the gusto of a guy who actually gave a d*mn.
Both predictably brilliant - and surprising even better than that - this amazing Monster Mash was WWE doing WWE at its ludicrous, brilliant best.