10 Best WWE Raw Endings Ever

1. Mick Foley Wins WWE Championship And The Monday Night War

WCW was on top of the wrestling world during the Monday Night Wars. Everything they did worked and everything Eric Bischoff touched turned to gold. WWE could not keep up and as a result, WCW led in the ratings for an incredible 84 weeks in a row. Ted Turner's company was succeeding on every level while Vince McMahon was likely wondering what to do next. But all of that changed on January 4 1999 when longtime WCW commentator Tony Schiavone announced on Nitro that Mick Foley was going to win the WWE Championship that very night on Raw. His words were accompanied by a very sarcastic tone, as if to belittle the move to put the belt on Foley. But as soon as he spoke those words, 600,000 fans changed the channel to Raw. They wanted to see the event transpire for themselves. And as soon as Foley's match was over, many of those fans turned back to Nitro. However, the majority of them did not. In fact, WCW never won a week in the ratings again. This was a reaffirming revelation for Vince McMahon, the moment that he knew for certain that his product was one that pro wrestling fans wanted to see. Though WWE had been losing the war to that point, the fact is they had never stopped working. They fought harder than they ever had before to make the company successful, to separate themselves from WCW and establish a foothold among fans. All they needed was a little nudge to put them over the top. And that is exactly what happened when Mick Foley won the WWE Championship on Raw. Like many other great moments from Raw, it stands the test of time as one that made history for the company. WWE surpassed its competition on this night and they never looked back. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=olFH5tb4zgY
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Mick Foley
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Host of Tom Clark's Main Event, WWE Featured Columnist for Bleacher Report and a Contributor for the Camel Clutch Blog http://tomclarkbr.wix.com/blog tomclarksmainevent.libsyn.com