Wiz Khalifa being a guest on this week's episode of Monday Night Raw is only the latest in a long line of the wrestling world and the rap world coming together. There have been rap songs used as entrance themes, rappers remixing current themes, wrestlers using rapper gimmicks and so on. It's a common connection if you really stop and think about it. Rap is a world full of braggadocio, with artists constantly talking about how tough they are, how much money they have, how many women they can sleep with and how good they are at their craft. At its very core, pro wrestling is much of the same. Listen to a Ric Flair promo and hear how much he loves to talk about his money and the women he's been with. A popular thing in rap songs is to name drop wrestlers, wrestling moves or wrestling events in attempts at word play. It has become yet another way to bridge the two worlds together. This list will feature the ten best pro wrestling references in rap music. It isn't a discussion of who is the better rapper or who has the best overall lyrics. Simply a look at who was able to fit wrestling into their songs the best.
Columnist/Podcaster/Director at LordsOfPain.net for nearly seven years, with nearly 2000 total columns written. Interviewed and/or involved in interviewing the likes of Tyler Black/Seth Rollins (twice), Diamond Dallas Page, Jimmy Jacobs, Christopher Daniels, Uhaa Nation and more.