10 Best WWE Royal Rumble Performers (Who Never Won The Rumble)

5. CM Punk

Daniel Bryan Greatest Royal Rumble

Another underappreciated legend who somehow never won the Rumble, CM Punk nevertheless made the event his own two years on the trot. The Rumble is all about those little moments and subplots, and in 2010 and 2011 Punk’s charisma and mic skills meant that the first chunk of each match belonged to him alone.

In 2010, as the Straight Edge Saviour, he dominated proceedings, entering at number 3, taking out Dolph Ziggler and Evan Bourne, and then cutting a pitch perfect heel promo on a receptive crowd. JTG then entered, was swiftly dispatched, and Punk got back to it. This was one of the most memorable verbal moments for a match built almost entirely on action. He was eventually eliminated by Triple H, which he was no doubt thrilled about.

In 2011 he was back at it. After that brilliant opening stretch with Bryan, he began to assemble his Nexus faction around him and looked like a genuine potential winner. He lasted 35 minutes, the longest of anyone, until ultimately getting the boot from John Cena - again, a job we bet he relished.


Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)