10 Best WWE TV Show Intros

10. WWF Challenge (1991)

When you sat down in front of your TV to watch WWF Wrestling Challenge in 1991, you'd first be greeted by the almighty commentary team of Gorilla Monsoon and Bobby Heenan. After a few minutes of banter, Monsoon would inevitably yell "Here we go!" before a giant WWF logo would approach us, open up, and literally take us "inside" the World Wrestling Federation for the latest episode. Whoever selected the clips for this intro should be applauded, as almost every single move we see is just brutal. Seriously - which one would you choose to be on the receiving end of: Earthquake's clothesline, Jake's DDT and Mr Perfect's dropkick? What's most memorable about this intro, however, is the fact that each move is punctuated with a cartoon sound effect - bangs, crashes and explosions accompany every Tombstone and Powerbomb. There's even a little Roadrunner-style "wheeeee" that sounds when Hawk presses a poor jobber over the top rope to the concrete floor below. I'm still not sure if this is ridiculous, amazing, or both. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7L-AytR2kWo
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It ain't easy! Former Manager of Ultimate Warrior's "WarriorWeb", Former Senior Editor of Vince Russo's "Pyro and Ballyhoo", and wrestling fan for over twenty five years. Daniel's favourite wrestling memory is being in Wembley Stadium with his Grandad for SummerSlam '92.